Wild Chimps & Remote Safari, Tanzania 2013 Trip Report

Tanzania - Wild Chimps & Remote Safari, Oct 8-15 2013 Trip Report

Tanzania – Wild Chimps & Remote Safari – October 8-15 2013 Trip Report
Nomad Tanzania Travel Agent Educational Trip

Report from the bush.
Cindi LaRaia, Africa Discovery Travel

Eight of us Africa travel agents from all over North America were invited on this amazing one of a kind, unique adventure covering a large part of Tanzania; hosted by Nomad Tanzania.

Read the report at:

Tanzania - Wild Chimps & Remote Safari - October 8-15 2013 Trip Report

Zarafa Camp wins Relais & Chateaux Environment Trophy

Zarafa Camp in Botswana - Africa Discovery

Zarafa wins Relais & Châteaux Environment Trophy 2014

Great Plains Conservation’s Zarafa Camp wins the coveted Relais & Châteaux Environment Trophy 2014 for its deep commitment to sustainable operations. This coming in its first year of membership of the association. Collecting the trophy from sponsor, Mme. Giraudi of Orlane Paris, were founders and creators of Zarafa Camp and Great Plains Conservation, Dereck and Beverly Joubert.

“In the creation of Zarafa Camp, Dereck has respected and preserved the natural state of an immense wildlife reservoir in the depths of Botswana. The property is completely self–sustaining thanks to 170 solar panels, recycled woods, a biogas plant and extensive and innovative grey water recycling. It is definitely a daily challenge but a great success story!” says Relais & Châteaux. “Great Plains Conservation has taken special measures to comply with environmental protection, concrete engagement in the field of sustainable development and positive relationships with clients.”

Chosen from Relais & Châteaux’s entire hotel line–up of 465 properties in 50 countries, Zarafa Camp was a standout winner for the Environment Trophy. Described as follows by Relais & Châteaux: “Zarafa [Camp] is in the 320,000 acre Selinda Reserve of northern Botswana, and is a very low environmental impact camp with unique luxury facilities. With just four huge 110 square metre tents, the Relais & Châteaux board was captivated the minute they walked in. Sustainable building materials and ecological operations combine with authentic period furniture to create a discerning safari ambience and refinement, set in a private Reserve with thousands of elephants, buffalo and hippo, with prides of lions, leopards and rare wild dogs. This paradise is second–to–none. Guests can choose from day and night game drives, catch–and–release fly fishing, use of the pontoon boat, canoeing and walking safaris.”

As Great Plains Conservation and Relais & Châteaux move forward together, each will continue to harmonise environmentally friendly experiences with the finest hospitality. Great Plains Conservation stewards over one million acres of extraordinary conservation land in Kenya and Botswana, and its Relais & Châteaux properties embody the heart and soul of its destinations.

Great Plains wins at PURE Awards 2013

Great Plains Conservation - Africa Discovery


Great Plains Conservation is thrilled to receive the award for Most Life-Enriching Experience at the inaugural and prestigious PURE Awards 2013 last night at the close of the PURE Life Experiences show at the Palais des Congrès, Marrakech.

The award is described by PURE as “truly transformational, thought-provoking and perspective-shifting travel experiences that help the individual reconnect with both themselves and the world around them.”

The selection process is rigid, starting with initial nomination by ‘PUREists’, a collection of the world’s elite buyers and sellers of experiential travel services. It is then judged by a distinguished panel of visionaries in travel: oceanographer and explorer, Sylvia Earle; actor and director, Edward Norton; environmental entrepreneur, Colin Bell; award-winning author and adventurer, Richard Bangs; and sustainable architect, German del Sol.

On describing Great Plains Conservation’s co-founders, Dereck and Beverly Joubert, Sylvia Earle commented: “The Jouberts convey their passion and deeply held conservation ethic and respect for the natural world that is unsurpassed, no matter what the setting, but especially in their beloved African plains. This is conveyed to those fortunate enough to travel in their presence.”

Dereck Joubert, Great Plains Conservation CEO, feels particularly honoured and says the award “encapsulates exactly what we set out to do at Great Plains Conservation: create experiences which spotlight the spiritual, personal, cultural and environmental Africa. Through these experiences we change lives and create conservation ambassadors – a positive outcome in the face of many challenges on the continent.”

Morocco Adventure

Morocco Adventure - Africa DiscoveryMorocco Adventure - Africa DiscoveryMorocco Adventure - Africa DiscoveryMorocco Adventure - Africa Discovery

Experience the exotic and little-known Kingdom of Morocco.

Morocco Adventure, 9 Days

  • Explore Marrakech – Marrakech is a perfect combination of old and new Morocco.
  • Visit Essaouira – A UNESCO World Heritage Site
  • Explore High Atlas Mountains and check in at Kasbah Tamadot, Richard Branson’s retreat in the High Atlas.

For details, please visit our website:


New Itineraries for Madagascar

Lemur in Madagascar

Madagascar is the home of five percent of the world’s plant and animal species, 80 per cent of them unique to Madagascar.  Most famous among those are the lemurs.

Its teeming fertile forests and geographical isolation have served to preserve and propagate ‘nature’s design laboratory’ in a mix found nowhere else on earth.

Africa Discovery offers new itineraries to visit this wild country, to see endemic only to Madagascar, The Lemurs!

For details, please visit our website:



Great Plains’ co-founders Dereck and Beverly Joubert win Lifetime Achievement Award

Dereck and Beverly Joubert

Jouberts win Outstanding Achievement Award at Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival

“Stop the Killing, Stop the Trade and Stop the Market,” said Dereck and Beverly Joubert, National Geographic Explorers–in–Residence, filmmakers and conservationists, in their powerful keynote speech at the Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival, September 26th. Ironically the day that 81 elephants were poisoned by poachers with cyanide in Zimbabwe was the day that the Jouberts were recognized with the Outstanding Achievement Award at the Festival — past honorees include, Dr. Richard Leakey, Dr. Jane Goodall and Sir David Attenborough.

The Jouberts said in their keynote speech, “Poaching today has reached epidemic proportions and the same individuals who deal in drugs, slavery and arms are also dealing in ivory and rhino horn. And they are not playing by any rules. There is a $27 billion a year trade in illegal animals and animal parts out of Africa so unless we are in a position to fight that with real money, we will lose. When we lose, elephants, lions and rhinos lose. When they lose, communities in Africa lose, Everyone loses. This is a declaration of war against poaching and a call to action to everyone. We are about to record the 700th rhino poached this year alone. Unless we are making conservation films at this time we are wasting our voice. This is when we are most needed to drive home messages of conservation to the world. The area that natural history filmmakers can play a role is in stopping the market. Our films collectively reach billions of people, that opportunity is completely wasted by producing television fluff and broadcasting meaningless TV fodder.”

“National Geographic has to be commended on many levels, but notably when we came to them with our concerns they backed the establishment of the Big Cats Initiative which now has over 44 projects in 18 countries and given away over $1m in grants. It’s shocking that people still say that lions could not go extinct, but they have already gone extinct in 26 countries, and only 7 have populations of over 1,000.”

Dereck and Beverly Joubert have celebrated nature and wildlife in documentaries, books, scientific journals, photographs and magazine articles for 30 years. Earning them seven Emmys, a Peabody, and a Grand Teton Award at Jackson Hole. Their work was featured on CBS 60 Minutes last year.

“Wildlife filmmaking has changed over the three decades we have been involved. It’s time for filmmakers to develop into conservationists and not be afraid of advocacy. We are starting a new conversation movement and a film company, both based in China, because this is where our voices need to be heard, this is where the largest consumption of lion bone, rhino horn and elephant ivory is, and without those three species, African wildlife will collapse” they say.

The Jouberts, from Botswana, are building a new model for conservation as partners in Great Plains Conservation, a collection of safari properties in Botswana and Kenya that acquires hunting or threatened land and converts it to conservation. Striking a balance of conservation, community and commerce, Great Plains Conservation saves endangered habitats in Africa through its low–impact tourism and compassionate management and presently has around 1,000,000 acres under management.

Dereck & Beverly Joubert will debut their new film, Game of Lions during Nat Geo WILD’s highest rated week, Big Cat Week premiering this November on Nat Geo WILD in the USA initially. According to Dereck Joubert there are 20,000 lions left on Earth. Only 3,500 of those are males. Although they are born at a 50/50 ratio, by the time they reach maturity, only one in eight male lions survive. The Jouberts take an unflinching look at what happens to the rest in this spirited, moving and heartbreaking film.

For more information:
Great Plains Conservation – www.greatplainsconservation.com
Dereck and Beverly Joubert – www Wildlifefilms.co
Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival – www.Jhfestival.org